It just wasn't to be a breakfast-in-bed sort of Mother's Day. To catch you all up: our house has been for sale for quite some time now (six months) and we finally got an offer last Sunday. It's a buyer's market down here in Denver, so when our buyers insisted on a possession date of May 18th, we were thrilled to make it happen for them. Well, that's not a lot of time. Thankfully we have found a new place to live (details on the new place later), but we have a lot of packing to do and not a lot of time to do it in. So packing had to happen today.
Yard work also had to happen today. Mark tried to give me a break by taking Liam with him in the baby backpacky thingy, but Liam wasn't used to it, and the loud noise of the mower freaked him out even more, and then Mark walked him through a tree by mistake, giving the poor little guy a scratch across the forehead that only his mother could make better. Now that was a poorly constructed sentence. Anyway, here they are before the trouble started.
And here are Liam and I just before bed.
We did have a nice lunch out today with all the other mothers. And we did pick up some real big-boy shoes for Liam. Apparently hard-soled shoes are required once a child can take 10 consecutive steps and Liam is all over that. He walked about 50 feet at the mall today without falling (straight into the Disney store, for some reason), in sock feet, no less. So we got him two pairs, both in size 5, which the salesperson assured me should last three months before he outgrows them.