I know, I know, it's been a while. No excuse, really. Life has just taken over. For one thing, Liam is really into the computer right now, which makes it next to impossible to post while he's awake. I know, I said no excuse, and here I am with one. I could come up with a bunch more, but let's move on, okay? Here's a picture of Liam sleeping to make you feel better:
There have been some major developments over the past few weeks in Liam's world (he changes quickly). For one, he's learned how to walk backwards (I told you, major developments). This is most helpful when he's pushed a push toy into the wall, since now he can continue the game without my rushing to help. He also can walk up the stairs by holding on to the bars on the railing (whatever those are called). No more crawling up, thank you very much. And, most dramatically, he has learned to climb. Right now his climbing is limited to one-step-up-type objects, like the sofa and his toy box. He can now get up on the side tables in the living room, which spells trouble for our lamps. However, he is already experimenting with ladder-type climbing: the type that requires more than one step up, like bookshelves and, say, a chair up to the kitchen countertops. When that lightbulb turns on I expect all hell to break loose.
I'm working on my photo-taking ability. That means I read a book and have decided to take all future pictures in the evening, when the light is pretty. I've got another book now and hope to expand my knowledge. But this picture was taken in the evening and isn't it pretty?
Well, I will get back to you before August (and definitely before September), but here's a close-up of Liam to hold you over (that's his new "uh oh" face, complete with chocolate cake).