The other night, Allison and I went out for coffee and she drove. Her new car has one of those fancy XM radios in it so, for the first time in a long time, we heard the song Elvira. You know you know it: my harrt's on fiiiiiire, El vi RA. Oom papa oom papa oom papa mow mow. We couldn't get out of the car until the whole thing had been sung along too.
Anyway, Liam has learned how to bounce recently (not a pure jump, but a funny two-step thing), and the other day he applied it to the sofa. Can you say dangerous?! He wouldn't stop, so I had to pull out a punishment, which is very new to me and not very much fun. To think this is only the beginning. Right now we are using the "bear hug" method of punishment. If you are not familiar with the bear hug, it means simply to remove the child from the bad situation, to sit the child in your lap facing outward, and to not allow the child to move for about fifteen seconds. Liam hates it, so it works. I like it, because it works, and because I get to give him a hug while he's upset. I am attempting to be 100% predictable, as Dr. Phil says I should be. I don't think I am quite at 100%, but might get a B, B+ or something.
I was really quite surprised how fast the need for discipline popped up. One day he was a perfect little angel who was exploring and experimenting in a sweet and thoughtful way, the next day he was emptying the contents of my wallet into the kitchen garbage. That's when the seed was planted: I need to think about punishing this little sweetie. Note that I was still not mad at that point - anger came later when he emptied the garbage onto the kitchen floor and ignored every one of my firm no's. So, I did a survey. Of our friends with toddlers, one uses the "baby jail" method (a time out behind a baby gate), one uses little smacks on the hands, and one also uses the friendly punishment: bear hugs. My ped suggested using "emotional time outs," or, in other words, ignoring the child for a minute or so, but Liam tends not to notice me ignoring him, so I must not be doing it right. Does anyone else have any ideas? What did people used to do? I can't honestly imagine my father employing the bear hug method, but he must have done something (since I turned out so well).
Speaking of punishment, when I was pregnant (so I had no actual child-rearing experience yet) I saw a woman dragging a small child through the Boston airport at high speed. The child didn't understand the urgency of whatever the situation was and obviously wanted to be doing something else, so he bit his mother on the arm. She immediately bent down and bit him back without even slowing her pace. I was horrified in an entirely self-righteous way: how could anyone bite her own child?? Well, I related this story to some long-time parents, Mark's brother and sister-in-law Sean and Heather, who were (and still are) the type of calm and nurturing parents I admire. Heather told me, "sooner or later, every parent bites her child." Oh. Well, so far Liam has not been bitten, but I'll be sure to let you know if it happens.
Well, there is some good news today in the world of fingernail polish. OPI, the polish with by far the best names out there, has a new Canadian Collection. By far, my favorite new color is "Nice Color, Eh?", although I also like "Paint Your Toron-Toes Rose" and "You Ottaware Purple." Unfortunately, the Atlantic provinces are not represented.