So yesterday, Liam, Mark, and I went to Boo at the Zoo, an annual Halloween Party at the Denver Zoo. The place was, well, a zoo. It was so packed, in fact, that we really didn't see many animals - real ones, I mean. As for costumes, lions and bees were very popular for some reason, as was Spiderman. Lots of Power Rangers too. And every color of Disney princess for the girls. We only saw two other bears, which pleased me, even though they both were in Liam's exact costume. Liam was very excited by all the, um, excitement, and took off running every time we put him down. Funny how people move quickly to let a toddler pass, but they aren't so quick to move for the parent chasing said toddler. Liam did some climbing as well, whenever the opportunity presented itself.
So, when people go to the zoo, they take a little wagon with them. It's almost universal and the zoo even rents out wagons if you want one. So there were wagons everywhere. Liam, less than thrilled with the stroller we had brought for him, tried to get into almost every wagon he saw. Sometimes he didn't even wait for them to stop moving: he'd grab onto the back and try to get a leg up and over before I grabbed him or he fell. One woman pulling a wagon wasn't paying attention, so he gently removed the handle from her hand so that he could pull it himself (thank you whoever you are). Overall though it was a good time and Liam had a blast.
Yesterday afternoon we went to our second Halloween event of the day: Trick or Treat Street at one of the local rec centers. For only a one dollar fee, we got to take part in this:
What it turned out to be was a gym full of tables run by various vendors giving out candy (along with coupons, ads, fridge magnets, and that sort of thing). Let me be clear here; we were not allowed to move freely about the gym, but were stuck in a snaking line, herded slowly by each table for about an hour until we finally reached the exit door at the end. We did end up with a pumpkin-bag full of candy at the end, but it was not worth it. Mark and I had to keep passing Liam back and forth (remember, if we put him down, he bolts), as our arms got more and more tired, and Liam got more and more frustrated with his foiled escape attempts. We actually were going to meet friends there, but with the whole herding thing, that proved impossible. Just as well, because Emma (the butterfly), got about five feet into the gym and started screaming and wouldn't stop. Her poor parents had to fight the flow and get her out of there. Oh well. Live and learn. Here's a picture near the beginning, when we were still optimistic:
Tiffany (mother of Emma), put it well (I'm paraphrasing): "You know, we come to these events thinking they are going to be fun calm family time, but they always turn out to be crazy." So true.