(Head is on the left and those little things sticking up are 'arm buds.' I think. Whatever it looks like, it's perfect anyway.)
That's right; a baby is on his or her way! The pregnancy came as a bit of a surprise (although, come on, we should have known better), but a good surprise. I'm due on November 20th - just ahead of the holiday season, thank god - which puts me at about eleven weeks right now. It also puts me at the peak of hormone production or something; I'm at the peak of moodiness for sure. Feel very bad for Mark. Not only am I cranky (let's be honest: I'm bitchy), but I'm tired all the time (read: useless), and very stupid. I also am throwing up several times a day. This is not fun to be a part of. I didn't really have any morning sickness with Liam, especially if I kept snacking. This is all-day-pretty-much-constant-even-if-I'm-eating sickness. So far I've discovered:
- any breakfast cereal - bad
- chocolate - iffy (!)
- cantaloupe - good
- toast - good
- bananas - very bad
- brushing teeth - bad
- peanut butter - very good
- carrot sticks - iffy
So I've been pretty much living on peanut butter (on saltines, with and without jelly), milk, toast (with and without jelly), and cantaloupe. Also Jamba Juice. Yes, I'm loosing weight, but not much.
I did talk to my doctor about this, and he said basically that I should suck it up; he was not about to prescribe anything yet. Fine. But he also said to eat whatever I felt like (within reason - if I want to eat rocks or chalk I should tell someone) and not feel guilty about it. So last week I made a yellow cake with chocolate icing and felt much better. I still felt sick, but at least I was eating cake. So yesterday, Mark got tired of watching this sad story unfold and restricted me to almost-dry toast and cantaloupe. He banished milk entirely. And I felt better. We did it again today and I feel much better (although I did also have a Fatburger). I think it was the milk that did it. Weird, isn't it? Let's hope it keeps up.
So how do you think Liam feels about all this? He hasn't got a clue, poor kid. We did ask if he'd like a baby, and his answer was, "Okay!" We also took him to the first ultrasound, but of course he was more interested in the buttons on the machine. I'm worried about him already, although I know it wouldn't be good for him to be the center of the universe forever.
So here's a story about Liam: today he wore new black socks (not with shorts or anything; it snowed today here in Denver). I'm not sure why I bought him black socks really, since he does not own any other black clothing, but whatever. So when he took his socks off today before his bath, he found sock fluff between each of his toes. This was terribly distressing. I told him it was okay; that he had sock fluff. Not convinced it was okay, he spent every moment until he entered that bath repeating, "Oh No! Sock fluff! Sock fluff!" Although it sounded more like "oc fuff!" He just came down from his bath, pointed to his toes, and said, "All gone!" Whew.