The time has come again when my fingers are too swollen for my wedding rings. I knew it was coming, but postponed taking them off until the last possible moment, when it was almost too late. I've heard that sometimes rings must be cut off fat pregnant hands and, after ten minutes of alternately holding my arm above my head and yanking the hell out of my finger, I was thinking that might be the way to go. But eventually they came off, thank god, and are hidden where Liam will never ever find them (famous last words).
Instead, I'm wearing this beautiful tin? aluminum? creation:
I made it in grade eight metal shop (sorry, that's Canadian for eighth grade) and I must have really gotten into all that filing, as the ring has always about been two sizes too big. I can't seem to part with it either, and now it's finally coming in handy.
As a side note, congratulations to my brother James, who is the assistant coach of the second-ranked college baseball team in Canada: Dalhousie. Yes, that's a part-time (volunteer) job at Dalhousie, and he does it after his real job in the evenings and weekends. Pretty good, eh? (That's Canadian for pretty good, isn't it?, but eh just seems to fit better here).