We had a great Christmas. On Christmas Eve we mostly cleaned and cooked, and of course the house is a mess now. But anyway, we even got in the making of a small batch of real Christmas cookies, so by the time the evening arrived, everything was set. Check out the Jackson Pollock cookies Liam decorated.
Now, for weeks I've been telling Liam that Santa would be coming to bring him presents. When we asked him what sort of presents he would like, Liam would reply something like, "Red ones" or "Blue ones." So he really didn't get the concept. It wasn't until Christmas Eve bathtime it occurred to me that what Santa really brings are toys. "Toys? A me?" Now he was excited. And what toys did Liam want? "Music box. Fire f*ck. Ducks." I guess Santa didn't get that list, as all Liam got from it was a matchbox fire f*uck. I mean truck.
Anyway, that night Liam put out a plate of cookies and a cup of milk for Santa, along with eight carrots for the reindeer. He was so excited about it that he did a little happy dance.
Last thing before bed, we read 'Twas the Night Before Christmas (in pop-up book form).
Liam's face on Christmas morning was priceless. He was so excited and immediately began to play with all his toys, giving Mark and I plenty of time for breakfast and tea and coffee and whatever else we felt we needed to start the day. And the day continued in a very low key sort of way; each time Liam opened a gift he wanted to play with it for a while, so we'd open each box and assemble each toy and take a little break. It was three hours before we were done. And Olivia? She slept through the whole thing.
On my lap, for the most part. At least she missed that Liam laid claim to many of her presents.
Liam did get a hold of the camera at one point and took this picture:
Not too bad, is it? We really did have a wonderful morning. I think we went slowly enough that Liam didn't get too overwhelmed, as the day was pretty much breakdown-free. Now that's a good day in our book. But check out the aftermath.
That night, for dinner, we went to a family gathering at Mark's aunt's house. Olivia dressed up, but was horrified to discover that the other baby in the family (12-week-old Lily) was dressed in pretty much the same dress. At least Lily's tights fit her (sorry Olivia).
Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas too!