Last night Liam woke up about ten o'clock with a nose bleed. Of course we didn't know that at first; he was yelling for me and crying, so I went up to investigate. Let me tell you, there is nothing like seeing your child's face covered in blood to stop your heart and get your brain going a mile a minute as you try to figure out what possibly could have happened to him in the two hours he'd been upstairs sound asleep. Well, it was only a nose bleed and, after cleaning him up and calming him down, Liam went right back to sleep. But then Liam had another one this morning that lasted a long time, so, in my typical paranoid fashion, I had Mark call the doctor (as I was sitting on the toilet seat with Liam on my lap, plugging his nose), but Mark promptly turned the phone over to me. You can imagine how that phone call went.
Dr: Plug his nose and wait for the bleeding to stop.
Me: That's what I am doing.
Dr: Well, sometimes it takes a while. He isn't going to loose too much blood or consciousness or anything.
Me: Oh.
Dr: Does he pick his nose?
Me: Um, well, yeah. He's two.
Dr: It's dry right now. Put a humidifier in his room.
(long silence)
Me: Okay. (pause) Thanks.
Dr: Bye.
So maybe it was a bit silly to call over a bloody nose. Liam is now sleeping upstairs with a humidifier in his room and I must point out he's very excited about the "achine."
Liam is also at that age when band-aids are great and every little "boo boo" requires one. The other day he insisted a freckle on the back of his hand needed bandaging, and who was I to argue? But about thirty seconds later, the oh-so-important-to-his-health-and-emotional-well-being band aid ended up here:
On an already cranky Olivia. And what do we do when she's super-cranky?
Doesn't the poor girl look sleepy there? And so she should, seeing as that's a vibratey seat, she's plugged, and she's got her turtle.
That brings me to another subject: Olivia is huge. She's only three months old and already she's wearing six- to twelve-month clothing. Looks like strangers will suspect my second child is stupid too (Liam's bigger than the average four-year-old, but of course acts like the average two-year-old). Already I find myself clarifying her age to people who probably expect that, judging by her size, she should be crawling or walking or talking or at least able to hold her head upright. I won't be able to tell you exactly how big she is for another few weeks (after her four-month appointment), but I do know she's a whopper.*
(Not to scale)
So she's not sitting up yet (although she loves to try), but she is laughing more and more and really getting quite good at putting things in her mouth once she gets a good grip on them.
Finally, Liam has decided he prefers showers. It started at my Mom's for some reason (could it be he liked her rain-simulating shower head?) and continues. Of course we still have to clean him, but after we're done with the business part of bathing, he can play in there for quite a while. Again, who am I to argue?
*Olivia, if you ever read this, I mean that you are tall for your age and perfectly proportioned in every possible way. And the most beautiful baby girl of all time.