Liam and Olivia have been taking swim classes for the past three weeks. Olivia is in a Parent-Tot class (obviously), but Liam has been in honest-to-god real-life swim class. Mark was excited about the lessons and three-year-olds were accepted, so off Liam went. Unfortunately, he didn't pass his first try, but we didn't really expect him too; the other kids in the class were at least a year older. After we registered I heard that swim classes aren't really effective until kids are four years old so oh well. At least he's having a lot of fun.
And the amazing thing is that Liam did a great job. He kicks, he blows bubbles, he floats (with the teacher's help, but he's relaxed out there). The only thing holding him back was his reluctance to dunk his head under water. Since one of the criterion for moving up to the next class is "retrieve object from bottom of pool," he can't move on. No big deal; there's lots of time for this. And he's much more comfortable around the water now. As a bonus, he's learning to listen to his teacher (a girl of perhaps sixteen) without a parent around and that's a first for him.
I have to admit, the first class was a bit of a disaster. Liam cooperated with the teacher when she was working with him, but there were four other kids needing attention - the teacher works with them one at a time while the rest just sit on the side and wait (and splash each other). When eyes were off Liam, he'd leave. See the lifeguard behind them? That first day the lifeguard didn't sit down much. I thought it was horrible, but the teacher-girl said he wasn't the worst she'd seen (nice to know) and we should give the class another try. Thank goodness the next time he stayed in the pool.
And he's come a long way; the first class he didn't want to jump in the pool (even when caught by the teacher) and wouldn't lie on his back (while supported). So he'll continue the lessons all summer long and we'll see where he is at the end. Then he'll just have to take them all again next year, I'm sure.
At the same time as Liam's class, Olivia and Mark are across the pool at the Parent-Tot class. And Olivia is a fish. She has none of the fear that some of the older "tots" have, but then she's younger and I suppose she has no clue that there's anything to be afraid of. The cute thing is that Mark thinks she's a born swimmer. When they're out in the water (I watch from the side) he's always pointing to her and mouthing to me with great excitement, "Watch this!" I have to admit, she's a born kicker but then she kicks all the time, even when she's lying on the carpet.
Well, must get packing. Tomorrow we're off to the Scotia again.