Although I've spent a lot of time on the computer this week, I haven't had any time to post because of the new toy I got for my birthday: an IPod. All this week I've been plugging our CDs into the computer, one by one, so that they can be transferred to my IPod (Mark had done some already, but there were still a bunch left to do).
I've been noticing that I don't listen to music very often (since the kiddos) and I kind of miss it. And I don't think I've bought a CD since Liam was born. That's sad. I bet that's also the reason why parents get stuck loving the music they loved in high school forever: having kids creates a musical fog of a few years that they can't find their way out of. But then I guess Mark doesn't have that problem: when I mentioned that I liked a new song on the radio, Mark said, "Uh, Kat, we have that CD." Oh.
Because I'm so behind on everything, I'm going to tell you some old news. Rolling Stone magazine put out a list of what they think are the 500 best songs of all time. They did this in 2004, but I just found out about it. It's an interesting list (not only because almost half of the songs are from the sixties).
And check out the cuties...
Liam and Ms. Splash-a-lot.