I really hope I didn't give the impression that the potty training is going very well. I meant it when I said that Liam GETS it; he does not, however, always DO it. After all, little kids are like barometers for stress, and this hasn't been the easiest week. So let me give you a peek into our world yesterday.
Mark gets up at five to go to work. Olivia gets up at five for no reason other than that she can. Liam wakes at six in a good mood and goes to the bathroom all by himself.
After breakfast, Olivia crawls around while Liam and I "make fings." Olivia decides she wants to eat the pom poms on the coffee table and, while cruising around to get to them, falls. She cracks her chin and her forehead, which both turn purple immediately. She spits up some blood, which freaks me out. After she calms down she is ready for a nap, so I put her down, but then worry for the next hour and a half that she has a head injury and won't wake up again. I check on her three times. She wakes up happy.
But happy or not, when Olivia is awake, she wants to be able to see me all the time. This makes things difficult when Liam has to go potty, as she crawls along behind us and tries to climb up Liam's legs while he's...busy. No matter how many times I put her out into the hallway, she keeps on crawling back in. This upsets Liam and by lunchtime he's wailing, "I can't pee!"
I talk to my brother briefly on the phone. Liam is playing nicely by himself, or so I think. He shows up in the kitchen pointing to his pants and says, "Look." Oh no. "Liam, did you pee?" "Yeth, I peed on the sofa!"
After a load of laundry (thank goodness for slipcovers), both kids go down for naps. Olivia first, while Liam watches The Magic School Bus, then Liam and I cuddle in bed and read some books. When I go downstairs, Olivia wakes up. Liam is quiet, so I think he's asleep, but shortly he appears at the top of the stairs complaining of that oh-so-common potty training side effect: constipation (not that he puts it that way, but I'll spare you). Nap doesn't happen, but I think he's giving it up anyway.
I keep Liam in a pull-up for the sake of his comfort, but for the next few hours he is periodically upset about his situation. In the meantime, Olivia crawls over to Liam's easel, finds a rogue black marker, and chows down. (See the big purple mark on her forehead?)
I do another load of laundry. By the time Mark gets home from work, Liam is very uncomfortable and is pretty upset. We make dinner, but present Liam with a half dozen raw carrots (his favorite) so he'll be sure to get some fiber. Two minutes into dinner, Liam starts to cry and insists that he has to go potty, so I take him in. The second I pull down that pull-up he pees. All over me. When I say, "Liam! Stop!" (I know, I wasn't thinking) he becomes almost hysterical.
After a lot of cuddles, I am able to leave the bathroom (soaked and bowlegged) to change my pants. Mark, seeing me, asks, "What happened to you?" I think that it's pretty self-explanatory, really, but Liam announces proudly, "I peed on Mommy!" Liam and Olivia have their bath and I realize later that Liam had only carrots for dinner.
The constipation issue still is not resolved by bedtime, but Liam falls asleep quickly anyway.
Fast forward to the middle of the night. I wake up long enough to notice that the hall light is on and shining in my eyes, but I go back to sleep. Sometime later I open my eyes again, and this time I can hear Liam talking. It's two thirty in the morning. I get up to discover that Liam has been awake for some time. Every light downstairs has been turned on. He had been reading stories to himself on the floor in his bedroom, but was now in his bathroom building a tower out of books on top of the garbage can while Fuzz sat on the counter and watched. Liam wasn't constipated anymore and he was happy.
When I pick Liam up from the bathroom floor and take him back to bed, and Liam announces happily, "I had a big poo, Mommy!" the whole day strikes me as supremely funny and I crack up. Liam does too.
After Liam is cleaned up and back in bed and cuddled and Olivia is fed and Liam is cuddled again, it occurs to me that this is a nutty little family we've got here. And thank god for our nutty little family.