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February 20, 2007



I love that story.


What a terrific story. What a loss for you and your kids.


Dear Kathy, What a beautiful posting. I am on my way to Halifax now and we will talk, perhaps tomorrow. You are a wonder and am awestruck everyday that you are in my life. And I have felt this ever since I met you, when you were teeny tiny; the person who made me an auntie for the first time. Love Sue

Holly Jo

I love that story. The world might be a better place if we assumed things about people the way your mom did in the story.

I am truly sorry about your mom. I didn't know what was wrong, just that she was sick. I will be thinking about your family.


Kathy, One of the few things that I have discovered from life is that it is never easy to lose a parent---no matter how old we are. You and your mother are in my thoughts and prayers. You definately got your strength from your mon....jane


Hi Kathy and Mark, Lian and Olivia I just want to send my condolences regarding your mom/grandmother. I loved her and she has left a hole in all our lives that not even time will close, however, she lives on in our hearts and she has set an example of living our lives for all of us to follow.

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