I am seriously too old for this. Or I should be more mature or self-assured. Or something.
Wednesday night I went out with some girlfriends for drinks and dinner at a new local restaurant. With good, non-judgmental, highly-supportive, and casual girlfriends. It was a night too look forward too; nothing to think too much about. But, for some reason, I could. not. get. dressed. Nothing in my wardrobe looked right, fit right, worked together, something. My nice jeans: warn and pale at the knees from too much crawling around on the carpet. My other nice jeans: well, they have only fit for about a week since Liam was born and they sure as hell didn't fit on Wednesday. Other pants: too formal, too casual, make my hips look big, don't look right except with that top I need to pick up from the dry cleaner, don't work with any of my shoes. It took me FOREVER to get dressed.
All to go out with friends who could care less what I wear as long as I'm feeling fine. Which I wasn't, until I got there and got down to having a girls night.
I ended up wearing the jeans with the pale knees and a sweater I feel like I always wear. So I figure that either I need to keep some sort of style guru in my closet (that would say things like, "You can totally wear those shoes with that jacket!") or I need to stop over-thinking this stuff.*
And speaking of over-thinking, it occurred to me for the first time the other day that I have, perhaps, turned just a bit into one of those moms that has let herself go. Now, let's be clear here: I do not wear mom jeans, I do not ever wear sweatpants outside of the house, and I do get out with friends (sans kids) pretty regularly, but I am forced to admit that my kids are better dressed than I am. {sigh}
So all that may have had something to do with why Poppy, which has been whipping up so quickly, got [temporarily] cast aside for something new (well, it also has to do with the sleeves being a little too bell-like for me, so I'm going to rip the little bit I had done and eliminate the bell):
I started Rusted Root yesterday. I love the Brown Sheep Cotton Fleece it calls for, which I used before for Olivia's Sport, and it seems like a good combo of mindless stockinette and a bit of lace. I think I'll have to go back to my LYS and get a fourth ball of it though, since I'm not letting this sweater be too short as I have let others be in the past. I'm thinking I'll do an extra repeat of the pattern and then use the left-over yarn for one of these.
Oh, and I have found my first project for the fall. I have wanted to make this sweater since the magazine came out, but that price tag did me in. Now I can do it.
And finally, can anyone explain to me where Liam got his super-powered memory? Today, after lunch, Liam put on his most polite voice and asked, "Mommy? Can I have some of da trick and treat candy from that basket? Pleeeeease?"
Of course all our Hallowe'en candy was eaten, sent in to Mark's work, or thrown away long ago. Before Christmas, for sure. There certainly wasn't any left to put in that basket way up there and forget about for the next six months.
Well. Lo and behold:
*And I need to go shopping. But serious shopping; shopping with a goal, not impulse stuff. Not my favorite thing.
Been there, done that, and have the lovely new wardrobe to show for it. Of course, then I had another baby so now I wear it less than I might prefer, but at least I know what to buy the next time I gte out for clothes.
Posted by: stefaneener | April 27, 2007 at 06:44 PM
Get! G. E. T.
I can spell.
Posted by: stefaneener | April 27, 2007 at 06:51 PM
I would recommend a trip to nordies. K
Posted by: Kari | April 27, 2007 at 07:48 PM
I would recommend a trip to nordies. K
Posted by: Kari | April 27, 2007 at 07:49 PM
I find myself hunting for clothes on a regular basis...and I know that I always end up falling back on the few favorites that I have.
As for the "mom jeans"-I will NEVER wear them...my husband will not let me. That has been a standing joke in our house ever since our son was born! Could anything be more horribly designed to accentuate all of the features that should be hidden? Yuck! :)
I love that color for Rusted Root!
Posted by: Kristin | April 27, 2007 at 08:23 PM
Oh, lord, haven't we all had days like that. A closet full of clothes and absolutely nothing to wear.
I love Cotton Fleece, too, but have only used it for gift knitting. How does it look after washing and wearing? Did/do you machine wash Olivia's sweater?
Posted by: Karma | April 28, 2007 at 02:57 PM