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April 27, 2007



Been there, done that, and have the lovely new wardrobe to show for it. Of course, then I had another baby so now I wear it less than I might prefer, but at least I know what to buy the next time I gte out for clothes.


Get! G. E. T.

I can spell.


I would recommend a trip to nordies. K


I would recommend a trip to nordies. K


I find myself hunting for clothes on a regular basis...and I know that I always end up falling back on the few favorites that I have.

As for the "mom jeans"-I will NEVER wear them...my husband will not let me. That has been a standing joke in our house ever since our son was born! Could anything be more horribly designed to accentuate all of the features that should be hidden? Yuck! :)

I love that color for Rusted Root!


Oh, lord, haven't we all had days like that. A closet full of clothes and absolutely nothing to wear.

I love Cotton Fleece, too, but have only used it for gift knitting. How does it look after washing and wearing? Did/do you machine wash Olivia's sweater?

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