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June 10, 2007



Happy Birthday! To you and Liam!

Connor will be 4 on the 23rd, I didn't realize they were so close in age.

Those are really neat pictures! I love fooling around with stuff like that!

Steph VW

Happy b-day, Katherine - we're the same age, so really, you just celebrated your 29th birthday for the 5th time! Yay!

(If you're using iPhoto, there should be a rotate button on the bottom left of the screen - you can do this is organize mode, or when you're looking at only the one photo. If you're using an older Mac, uh, I'm lost. Sometimes, you can flip photos on your camera before you load them into your computer. Good luck!)

Holly Jo

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Both to you and Liam! Did you ever think he would be 4 years old? Did you ever thing you would be, well, you know? :) :)

Welcome to the dark side. :) Where are the crazy morph pictures? Those are our fave with the little camera. When I download to blogger, I have to rotate the vertical photos horizontal and then for some reason them come up correctly. Why? I have no idea. I know, my technical skills astound you. You might want to give that a try.

Holly Jo

OMG. I just noticed Liam's finger is in his nose. *hysterical laughter*


Happy belated birthday!

It took me many spins to get my winder technique to where I wanted it- which of course, begs the question of how I can be so bad at something that requires no skill.

Is the pink for you or O?


Happy birthdays! Even sideways, your photos are lovely.

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