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August 12, 2007


Holly Jo

Fifi IS really cute. Will be perfect for fall though I agree only VERY, VERY special (ie people who have never had children) could get away with that cropped look.

My fave though - caliometry. Olivia is adorable in it, but I don't think you should give up on it. :) It looks cute on you too.


They are so sweet, I just want to gobble them up. My kids love hijacking my knitting as well.

Glad you were able to get some yarn love- 50% off, that's some Calmer I could love. Can't wait to see your Fifi, I think it will look great.


My Antonia is one of my great literary loves.



For a new book to read "A Thousand Spendid Suns" By Khaled Hosseini . I literally couldn't put it reading stright through the night until 4am. Something for the plane perhaps?


I LOVE the tilted duster. Let me know if you start it. I'll start one too. It will be fun. We'll see how many months it will take me to finish it compared to your weeks :)


What a fabulous yarn bargain!

Your mitts look great -- are they the Irish Hiking wristwarmers? I've knit one pair, and they were fun, easy, and quick. Even though they have cables, they were a great project to knit while watching that dreamy Johnny Depp in Sleepy Hollow.

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