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September 27, 2007



It is a sad event, I can kind of relate...but think of it this way: You're giving this woman a great new beginning. A home of her own!

(Just trying to look on the bright side, which is soooo unlike me by the way. If you want to wallow, then I totally understand. Just ignore me.)

Holly Jo

The logistics of a loved one's death seems like such a surreal thing. Stuff that is under "normal" circumstances very unpleasant becomes a complete nightmare.


I'm so sorry Katherine


I'm sorry that this is yet another tough day for you. My thoughts are with you.


I know where you're coming from. It's been four years and I won't let my dad clean out her bathroom cabinet. I just like to look at all her stuff. When we donated her clothes, I kept things I didn't want just becausse it reminded me of her.

It does get easier, but you never forget. Good luck with today!




So hard. My memories of my mom are so closely entwined with her home. But I like what someone else said, that you (and your mom) are giving a young woman a new beginning; that's a hopeful way of looking at things. xo


This is a hard one. While I see your photos, my mind's eye doesn't get it. The house and all your mom's treasures are there as they always have been. But when I get moments of this reality, I think the woman moving in has such a find! A home with great energy and a great back garden!May she be happy there.

Love you


I am so sorry K.

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