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September 03, 2007



You've been so productive- good for you! And I will pray for you on the flight- you are so brave and good to go it alone (and with 2 seats!). Does the whole lollipop during takeoff and then sleep thing work at all for them?

Holly Jo

Oh. my. gawd. Two seats? Four hours? I am so sorry. Here's to a quick take off, landing, and no mechanical issues on the tarmack.

All the knits are so cute, but the hat takes the cake. Maybe it is just the photo with the tongue which is classic. :)


I was probably the worst parent ever when I didn't have shorts for my toddler when the weather turned very warm here. After a week of not being able to get to the mall, I made an emergency run to Target during lunch and bought a few pairs of shorts.

I'll be better prepared next year as I bought some summer clothing in next year's size as shops are clearing out their summer merchandise right now.

Good luck with the trip. I was just wondering how my 2 year old will travel when we go from Nashville to Hawaii in December...


By now you're there and the flight is a memory. I hope it went well. We just got back from a drive to and from Los Angeles in two days with five under eight. . . long trip.

Sweater looks fine to me. I can't believe yours will wear hats. Nice.

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