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September 14, 2007



Hi Kath,
What a wonderful posting! Just a quick clarification-, I do resourse teaching at a Waldorf School- being a Waldorf class teacher would be entirely too daunting (plus yet more training). But I am a hearty supporter!!!
The pics are stunning...Olivia with Alice is a dream. There's that wink...usually so quick you just think you see it!!!Miss you all; the visit was a gift.
Love you


Sounds like an amazing and well-deserved rejuvenation time. Love the photos- I'll be anxiously awaiting your next post.


I'm glad you were able to get away and have such a great time! You guys deserve it!

Love the potty story! :)


You know that that's one of the best stories you will have for Liam in years to come.

The trip looks dreamy, in all the best ways.

Holly Jo

That face - he looks so innocent. :) How could he do that?

The garden looks divine, but that statue is unbelievable. What a photo.

Glad you had a good time.

mary maddox

Sounds like a good, rejuvenating trip. Glad to see my kids again. Great photos. Hugs and kisses for both of them. Love, Bobby


Liam just made me laugh away the nausea...keep that up...k


Sounds wonderful. Can I go spend a week with Sue? I love the pic of the kids watching her and the juicer.

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