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October 08, 2007



Happy Thanksgiving
I agree; let's take every opportunity to be thankful! We had 24 at the cottage- 4 of the Hendriks' were there along with the Deathe's and we had a fine time! I endevoured (almost successfully)to prepare the largest, free range, organic turkey known to human-kind and there were more interesting vegie combos than you could imagine. Ashley made squash and quinoa and Linden provided a green bean salad with bright coloured peppers- fabulous. Nothing makes sweet potatoes more appealing than marshmallos and the little ones voted that dish their favourite! Lucky you to have another Thanksgiving to look forward to.
And I think forks are great to be thankful for especially when hunting for enough flatware for a crowd.
Love you


Happy Thanksgiving from another Canadian in Colorado!

Holly Jo

62,000? Wow, that is a lot of people. Glad you had a good time.

Yes, let's hear it for gravy. Did you see Yarn Harlot's cranberry sauce? Sounded good.

Love what the kids are thankful for. :) Especially the trampoline.


This is a great idea to sneak in another turkey dinner. I must remember to note the American Thanksgiving in my Canadian day planner. We have so much to be thankful for. I also like forks, but we always seem to run out of spoons - so I will be thankful for the clean spoons coming out of the dishwasher in a timely manner.


Can you please go to paradise and have a turkey cranberry sandwich for me?



I think two thanksgivings is a great idea! Next year I'm celebrating both and I'm not even Canadian!

mary maddox

We had 2 thanksgivings for years after moving to Canada but eventually the USA's fell by the wayside as we assimilated more & more into Canada. Now we're back to celebrating both again. Canadian in Canada and the American in either AZ, CO, or FL. This year we had 2 turkey dinners. One on Sunday with family & Jonathan at our home and another on Monday with Mindy & Chelsea at the Unitarian church with a very eclectic mix of about 45 people! Mindy was in charge of the dinner and all went well. Next year I'll have to remind the kids to be thankful for Bobby & Poppa also! Especially since Olivia loves to say, "Hi Bobby" so distinctly over & over again on the telephone!
Love to all, Bobby

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