Liam's big news:
That belt used to be orange.
The hardest part of the test seemed to be sitting quietly while he waited his turn. While waiting, Liam had to go to the bathroom. Now we've had a few discussions about using the bathroom during class, since when one kid goes, a chain reaction starts and they all end up needing to go. That, and Liam frequently forgets to shut the door, treating all the parents to a view of his naked butt (an awfully cute little butt, but still). So yesterday Liam had to go and, although he did shut the door, he also sang loudly the whole time he was in there.
In not-so-big news, he is making minions (guys, really). He can spend over an hour telling elaborate stories with these little people he's created. It's a kick to listen in.
Olivia's big news: picture.
She has just started to use the potty! I'm excited. The end of all diapers is in sight and I can't wait. Although I'll probably tear up when it's all over.
Anyway, about a week ago she asked to pee in a potty. Where this came from, I don't know. Mark put it together and down she plopped and....well...peed. We threw a small party in the bathroom and she's asked to go every night since, just before bath. I haven't pushed it farther than that though. I figure the longer I wait, the quicker the transition will happen (the lazy parent's approach). And she's not even two yet, for heaven's sake. But sometime in the next three to six months she'll spend a lot of time running around naked and we'll see what happens.
In not-so-big news, she really likes to draw. Spirals, mostly. And in Easter egg colors.
There's more (there's always more), but let's pace ourselves, okay?
Wow! Yellow belt. Congrats. The bathroom thing is classic. :)
Olivia's hair sure is getting long, too. Hooray for going potty - I have a preschool mom friend whose daughter was all potty trained one week after her second birthday - here's hoping the same for Olivia. :)
Posted by: Holly Jo | October 04, 2007 at 06:18 PM
Oh look at the sweethearts! Getting so big...
Posted by: Karma | October 05, 2007 at 11:05 PM
Congrats to Liam. Hope you'll show me all your moves when we visit later in the month.
Olivia, Bobby loves your spirals and I just knew you'd be an early bloomer re: potty training! Keep it up!
Love to all, Bobby
Posted by: mary maddox | October 07, 2007 at 11:41 AM
Kathy...How is it possible there are such big changes in only a month?! Olivia seems to be a pre-schooler rather than a toddler. And Liam! Yellow belt no less! Well done.
Posted by: sue | October 08, 2007 at 09:08 PM