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October 04, 2007


Holly Jo

Wow! Yellow belt. Congrats. The bathroom thing is classic. :)

Olivia's hair sure is getting long, too. Hooray for going potty - I have a preschool mom friend whose daughter was all potty trained one week after her second birthday - here's hoping the same for Olivia. :)


Oh look at the sweethearts! Getting so big...

mary maddox

Congrats to Liam. Hope you'll show me all your moves when we visit later in the month.
Olivia, Bobby loves your spirals and I just knew you'd be an early bloomer re: potty training! Keep it up!
Love to all, Bobby


Kathy...How is it possible there are such big changes in only a month?! Olivia seems to be a pre-schooler rather than a toddler. And Liam! Yellow belt no less! Well done.

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