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February 14, 2008



Happy Blogiversary!!! I love reading your blog and I would love the try out the Kidsilk if I win!! I've never used it before, so that would be so much fun.

Happy Valentine's Day too!


Hello Kathy, What a novel idea; inspired.I so enjoy reading about the children...the knitting....your real life. Happy Valentines Day. I too have roses...beautiful roses with scent! We have Ashley's Geoff here on an externship and that is great. Linden is diving off the Great Barrier Reef and I can't wait for her blog entries. So life is filled with love,
And I send lots to you all,Sue


Happy 4th blogiversary! Those Valentines are too cute.


dont want to win anything just want to say it is good to read your blog and to see how cute your kids are becoming. Esp like the one of Oliva talking. Happy new house--may your time spent there be joyous for you all. have missed your blog....keep it up love, jane


Happy Blogiversary. I love hearing all about your life and what you do too so keep on blogging. Ooh a contest, what fun. I really like the purple yarn, it looks so nice.


Four years is FOREVER!! Congrats.

I am so glad you're back - you're like one of three people who visit my blog! When you go missing, not only is your blog quiet, but so is mine. :) Welcome back.


Happy Valentine's Day and Happy Blogivarsary! You are so much better than me...we went to Target and Connor picked out some cheap, ugly TV show inspired Valentines. Yours are SOOO much better! :)


Happy Valentine's Day. My little one got her first cards today and made heart sugar cookies. Congratulations on blogging for four years. How is your Lady of the Lake jacket coming? I have the kit but not the time right now. Hopefully I would have commented anyway but the thought of a little KSH is good for motivation too! I am currently working a shaw in Elann's Silken Kydd and loving it.


Happy Valentine's Day and Happy Blogivarsary! Connor's friends got crappy store valentines...next year I'll have to make cute ones! :) I love those!


Happy blogiversary and Valentine's Day!

I remember making Valentine's cards like that... but it's been a while.


I don't need any pretty, precious yarn, but I did want to say I hope you like that Seattle chocolate. Happy v-day!


Happy Valentine's Day! I'm so glad to have found you and your blog. xoxo

Holly Jo

Dude. The lurkers came out of the woodwork! :) That must feel good to know so many people love reading your blog. :)

Happy Blog-versary and happy valentine's. Loved the "down a kiss" story. :)

Kelly P

Oh - I love contests! I'll call you soon. Love, Kel


What! No sticky-faced chilluns in this one?

Hi there. I had no idea it had been so long. Lucky grandparents : )


Hello...so where IS this new house anyway?

BTW I am as large as a house.



Hello, I'd like to try the kidsilk haze. Congratulations on 4 years! I hope I can go that long on mine.


Just look at all the comments...that's what a contest will do ;)

4 years, really?! I just started reading about a year ago. I didn't know I got to the party that late.

I've never used Kidsilk Haze...always wanted to.


Yeah, I don't need to win anything either (HI JANE!) but seriously. Dude. It's good to have you back. <3


Happy Valentine's Day/Blogversary! I don't need to win anything either as I have not knit much at all lately and all I have every really knit are scarves. Hope you guys are all doing well, I can't wait to see you in the Summer! Hope to talk soon

Love Meredith

Mary Maddox

Make my prize a current pic of the kids. This blog has been our continual lifeline to our grandkids so don't stop! Bobby


I am glad to see you are back posting. I met you at your Aunt Sue's in the fall and check your blog often to keep up with the your activities. It is full of wonderful memories and will be a treasure for your family to enjoy.
I can't believe how prolific your knitting is! You are an inspiration. I finally did manage to finish the Fleece Artist blanket I was making and sent it to my mother. She was able to use it before she died in Nov. I have started another but the going is slow...
There aren't many things as exciting as buying a new house and making it your own. Have fun and keep posting.


I just want to let you know that I am so thankful that you have continued beyond the absences to blog. I love hearing about what's up with you guys.

Congratulations on the Blogiversary Sweetie Pie.


Well - I have to comment but preface by ...you are off the hook for me also - the prize is my being part of your life. I have to get back into finishing a knitting project that I have on the go that is not difficult but takes just an insy winsy bit of concentration. Too much for me apparently.
Loving you and yours!!!


Happy blogiversary- 4 is impressive!

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