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February 20, 2008



The Sublime Stitching book is awesome!! I had never embroidered before (but had x-stitched about 15 years ago) and have already embroidered a lovely tea towel and have 2 cushion covers planned.
Also how can you go wrong with Amy Butler - I don't have any of her books, but I do have a couple of her bag patterns and often drool over many others.

Holly Jo

Love the grey in the black for the koigu. I am weakening on the clapotis out of koigu.

Sewing? Have fun. :) That Fassett quilt is way cool.

We are very, very jealous of your scraper. If they don't come by and just leave ice to melt on its own, the streets turn to a giant slush fest for a couple weeks and you can't walk on them. I wish our crews did that, you know, in April when things start to melt. :)


Oh, you do need a change. Or a few. Spring will come, really. O will sleep -- but not soon, or easily -- and you will sew yourself crazy. A friend was moaning at a quilt show about having no time to quilt and one of the older women there said, "Honey, we didn't do this with little ones around either."

I try to comfort myself with that.

And then you can tell me how to get Thing 4 to sleep when she weans. Ha ha ha ha ha. . . ha.


Sewing time, and a room to do it in- hooray!!! I'm so excited for you, and flattered to be linked. You and I seem in sync with our clapotis-knitting, too...


Ooh, pretty clapotis. I'm weakening--I might end up knitting one after all.

Isn't it a pain when the kids start getting independent? ;)

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