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April 08, 2008



I swear, you have the cutest kids ever! The traveling scarf exchange sounds like a neat idea.

Holly Jo

I LOVE what kids say to one another. It is like a whole other language. :)

Liam has the sweetest heart - I have never met him, but I swear you can just see it in his face. He's going to grow up to be a huge champion for human rights or something. :)


Oh! Look at him! I want to bring him a hungry bird! He's too cute!


Oh Liam looks so cute waiting for the birds to sit on his finger. I remember my kids had pacifiers until they were 3. I used to always get comments about how they shouldnt need them. They never ended up with horrible teeth, and they slept better with them too. They only took 2 weeks to get rid of them when we decided to. I always found them under my kid's cot mattresses and have no idea how they ended up hidden under there. I had to laugh about the princess too, I had one of those a while back.


I just noticed this...are you really reading 7 books at the same time?


Here's one of Allie's favorites for Liam:

Where would you find a cold pirate?
In the AAAARRRctic Ocean.


That is sweet. I tell you, you guys just hit the jackpot.

Moving like that sounds both good and horrifying. Really.

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