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April 20, 2008



I swear we must be twins! I have the same basement, the same nightmares about people seeing it, the same electronics boxes, the same shoe rule, the same spiders, the same bbq accessories (there's not a kitchen drawer big enough for those freaky large utensils!), the same ancient files . . .

But I don't have an old pretty settee down there. I'm jealous! Of that and your Who Moved My Cheese Award. I'm going to get that started around my office pronto!


Are you freaking kidding me? That was my first sweater! Knit with BS Cotton Fleece in Oatmeal. It has been frogged, long ago, but seriously. That's more than a little freaky.

Congrats on cleaning out the basement- I know what you mean, my garage is like that. Someday we'll clean it out enough to park in there again...


You are much, much braver than me. Good luck! And if it makes you feel any better, when we got married, we got a punch bowl that was cracked when we opened the box. When we moved a year and a half ago, I realized we still had it. It had moved from our first house to our second house and now to the third house. I'm still not sure I've thrown it away.

Really, good luck with the no-TV thing. I'm in awe.

Holly Jo

ARE YOU INSANE? You are moving! You NEED the TV! :) Just kidding. You can do it. Good luck.

Very, very impressive on the basement. Feels good doesn't it? My parents tease me about the "organizer's high". I am forever sorting and cleaning something looking for the better high. :)


Good luck! While your basement clean-up effort sounds painful, sometimes organization is overrated. My parents have a painstakingly clean and organized house -- a little more mess and fun (and less time cleaning and picking up) would have been much appreciated.


Of COURSE you will be fine and get through the week. I finally, finally, finally persuaded spouse to go back to no TV. It's a good thing.

The sweater is lovely. Maybe the yarn name will pop into your head and you can score a bit more for the neck. What a nice gift!

The basement looks GREAT. What a nice present to give yourselves. I love eliminating clutter. It does make internal noise, just being there. Lovely for you all.


God, doesn't cleaning and getting rid of all that crap just feel great?! It reminds me of Randy and I's move just a few months ago. We got rid of soooo much stuff. Loved it. It's nice to kind of take inventory of all you have to keep you from buying more too.
That sweater looks great...it's too bad you can't finish it! And I don't remember why, but I *did* stumble across your Ravelry queue the other day and yeah...you have a LOT of wip's! Now go get 'em! Tackle them like you did the basement! Especially if you aren't going to be watching tv this week ;)


I can relate - I'm in purging mode myself; after my grandfather passed away, I spent half a week earlier this month helping to clean out his house -- it's taken 4 daughters, their husbands, and 10 grandkids (and some of their spouses) almost the full month of april to get everything cleaned out and up -- so now I'm going through everything I own ruthlessly (and I thought I'd done that when I moved LAST YEAR). Sadly, I'm not sure i could do the tv turnoff week - unless I could DVR Battlestar Galactica and Dr. who for next week -- would that stil count?


Dear Kathy, Oh, I am sooo impressed! The basement! If it hadn't been for the 2 floods we had, the URGENT, WORK TO BE COMPLETED box from Halifax would still be there, taped shut (1983). As we haven't moved since that time,and as everyone has grown up now... I have much to face as well.Getting ready...
And congratulations for the screen decision- I've been write weekly articles in our newsletter about the topic...really important for kids and not as hard for your creative little minds as you might think!!Especially with the good weather.


PS- I don't know if you consider this cheating, but if you tune into 87.7, they broadcast PBS kids (I think concurrently with Channel 6), so it's like listening to a book on tape (which were so awesome on a long car trip for us a few weeks back). Also AM 1690 is Radio Disney, which, while not my favorite, it's fairly harmless and kind of fun.


Um...it's the hockey playoffs. Must have TV. But, maybe that's my issue... :)

I would definitely have bigger issues with it than Connor. And let's not even talk about giving up the net!

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