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August 22, 2008



I am so intimidated by the BSJ. Why??? Is there a lot of counting and keeping an eye on the pattern? I don't think I could handle that.

I always wished I had a brother, and a cool brother to boot!


The BSJ is super cute! I need to knit one of those.

Hmmm... it's great to have visitors, but it is hard to have the schedule just go out the window.

Knitting + Michael Phelps sounds like a pretty awesome combination to me. :-)


What a cute family!


Too bad no one had fun while your brother was in town. :)

Love the jacket! The yarn is gorgeous.

Holly Jo

I think it is really hard to visualize what the end product is with the BSJ until you completely finish. Yours is beautiful.

Best birth control in the world - spend time with other people's kids. :)


The BSJ came out great! I have seen so many lately, it's very tempting to cast on for one! I knit a TON watching Michael Phelps. I couldn't pull myself away from the tv.

But...your brother...he's a cutie. I would have left the tv. hee hee :)


Yummy sweater.

I'm finally at the level where houseguests = babysitters. I'm just not going to try to schlep kids along on anything fun again.

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