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August 12, 2008



Be still, my heart. You can see, of course, that Liam is exactly giving the same face as you.

And I envy your me time like I cannot tell you. Sigh sigh sigh. I was just thinking about you while spinning, and thinking about beading yarn, and and and.

Good lord, where have you been?


Katherine, is it really you? YAY! A post! I'm so glad that you are having a great summer! Connor is starting kindergarten this year too, I can hardly talk about it without tearing up. Good luck! :)

I'm so glad you're alive...woo hoo!!


You're back! Hurray! I love the back-to-school outfits that were meant for late fall. I have a few of those pics myself!


Holy crap! Olivia looks EXACTLY like her grandmother. Wow.

I was on the train yesterday and saw a guy that I swear was a (do we use your last name here? Insert your last name here). I almost grabbed him and was like, "Yo, dude. I think you're my cousin." Seriously, he looked like a 25 year old Mark.

And now I'm homesick. :)


Glad to see you are back. The kids look so happy. Attached are some pics of Harry.



Whoa, wait. Afternoon kindergarten?! Our kids go a full day! I can't decide whether I'm jealous of you or about to go "nyah nyah nyah." Hmm. I'll let you know in a couple of weeks.

Love the corduroy, by the way. Very stylin'.


Glad to see you are back. The kids look so happy. Attached are some pics of Harry.


mary maddox

Thank you, thank you, thank you. I had almost stopped checking the blog, but I guess I'm forever optimistic, so I checked again! Remember, grandparent enjoy this connection as a wonderful way to keep current with Liam and Olivia.
More please. Bobby & Poppa


Awww. Hope you held up ok. I'm sure he was super excited.

Holly Jo

He is going to have so many grand adventures in kindergarten. Good times.

That picture of you, classic. Nothing like corduroy. :)

Both my boys start school (of sorts) this year. Like you, I am just beside myself at the thought of the time I will have. It is what has gotten me through this summer. :)


Its nice to see you back. I met you at your Aunt Sues and check in on your blog every once in a while. Glad to hear the move went well. I am thrilled to report that I only have two first days of school left....

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