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September 22, 2008



You have balls, baby. Next time, try it with a Watchtower, and you can be an ex-Jehovah's Witness just like me. ;-)


Woo hoo! One of my friends volunteers a good deal with the Obama campaign, and she always describes her work as "Obamacizing." So congrats on your foray into Obamacizing. Here in Chicago it's actually pretty darn hard to find a McCain supporter (at least an open one).


Wow! Way to go :) That is something totally out of my comfort zone, too! The elderly lady's comment was very cute :)


Hey! My comfort zone is sitting at home fretting too. It's really not something we should do alone. ;)


Good for YOU! I always feel like it's nothing I can do, since I'm in such a blue area, but maybe I can call phone banks or something.

My friends are all horrifiedly preaching to the choir, and it just gives me a stomach ache to read one nasty political factiod after another.


Good for you! Here in Canada, I am passionate about people caring one way or the other. Apathy scares me most of all. So, well done. Interesting times....Sue

Holly Jo

You are one brave Obama supporter. :) I am very, very impressed with your courage.


Oooh! I'm so proud of you!


Wow. That's so exciting! Did you let the kids tag along or keep them at home? Seems like it would be a great experience for them, but maybe not at this age.


Way to go!! That is an amazing thing to do!


I'm just gonna quote one of the other commenters:

"You have balls, baby."


Yay you!!!!!

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