I don't think I've mentioned that Olivia is a mother. Little Baby Kiki goes everywhere with Olivia; if we leave her home she cries for her mother. She sleeps in a cradle next to Olivia's bed, she has taken baths with Olivia (not the best idea for a soft-bodied doll, by the way), and eats every meal in a little high chair next to our kitchen table. Most mornings I actually prepare tiny prep bowls of Cheerios for her. We even go hours at a time where Olivia is not to be called Olivia, but Baby Kiki's Mommy.
But, even knowing all this, I caused a near disaster around here.
Last Friday, a week ago, I took the kids to a little local toy store to pick out a birthday present. Normally I don't encourage Kiki to come into stores with us, just because she is often put down while other things get investigated and...well...some days I'm surprised both of my kids make it back home with me. But last Friday I let Kiki come into the toy store. It was a long visit, mostly because I don't know the recipient very well, but also because there are many hands-on things to play with. But finally we were going through the usual extended process of leaving and then Olivia had an accident of the potty-training sort. After that we left pretty quickly and unfortunately I didn't give poor Baby Kiki a thought.
Then I completely erased the whole experience from my memory because a few days later, after much trauma and worry, and turning the whole house upside down looking for that doll, and tracing our steps over the last week and finding nothing, and after a few sleepless nights on my part, I was still swearing up and down that we didn't go anywhere last Friday. Finally, at six thirty this morning, thanks to some part of my brain that thinks it's pretty funny, I remembered where Baby Kiki was: the toy store! As soon as they opened we called, we raced down, and soon after Baby Kiki was back home where she belongs. "My baby! I was so wowried about her!" Olivia decided that Baby Kiki must have needed some time to play with the other baby dolls at the store but seemed irritated that no one had given Kiki a decent breakfast.
Now, can anyone help me remember when I put the second skein of DIC Classy so I can finish this sweater?
And woman, when are you making ME a sweater? :)
Posted by: Shannon | October 25, 2008 at 04:29 PM
Man, that is too funny. Not just "Mommy", but "Baby Kiki's Mommy." Too much.
Sorry haven't seen your yarn. :)
Posted by: Holly Jo | October 25, 2008 at 06:49 PM
Kudos to raising very empathetic children. Did you leave the DIC Classy at the toy store? The sweater looks awesome - I hope you find the second skein soon!
Posted by: Nadine | October 25, 2008 at 07:45 PM
Heee. I love the explanation Olivia came up with so it wasn't traumatic. Baby sleepaway camp! What a great idea!!
And good luck on the skein. Maddening. Makes me want to knit, though.
Posted by: stefaneener | October 25, 2008 at 08:23 PM
What a sweet story although a little distressing for poor baby Kiki. I guess she wont want to take her out to the toy store again. I love the bolero, so pretty. I hope you find the missing skein.
Posted by: sue | October 25, 2008 at 10:15 PM
She is adorable. I hope you find the yarn, that's a great sweater. I wish I lost my yarn, then I would have a valid excuse for not finishing anything... :)
Posted by: Kristin | October 26, 2008 at 06:30 PM
Oh man, I need to make one of those sweaters for Alice?! It's just too cute!
Posted by: Stacey | October 26, 2008 at 08:17 PM
Poor Olivia & Little Baby Kiki :) I'm glad Kiki was waiting for you at the toy store! Good luck finding your yarn...the sweater is looking great!
Posted by: Terrie | October 27, 2008 at 12:00 PM