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October 31, 2008


Holly Jo

76, really? Soooo sad about your pumpkins!

Shhhh...don't tell anyone, but Bubba plays video games too. Life is filled with give and take, IMHO.

As always, your kids are just adorable. I just don't know how you stand it. :) You must squeeze them often.


It was a warm night here as well. That's a load of candy! Ah, video games. We tease Ella all the time about how well she can speak Simlish. I wouldn't be surprised if we had to hold a Sims intervention. I think Liam-Link looks ready to fight evil, and your little witch looks anything but evil.


I've got you beat, it was like 89 degrees here on Halloween ;)

Olivia is such a cute little witch.


Kath, And how is it your little witch still manages to look like a little princess? Happy Hallowe'en, all. I feel safer with brave knights like yours,dreaming of subduing the dragons in our lives.


They look adorable in their costumes! I hope they had fun :)


Oh. My. God. I want to eat them both up (preferably with a few of those peanut M&Ms I see Olivia holding). Hope you had a good time trick or treating!

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