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November 02, 2008



Do you really like picking up stitches? Ugh. That's right up there with seaming for me.

Actually, I might like seaming more.

Good job though! I like that picture from the back for some reason.


I love the color of that cute bolero. How sweet and the button looks perfect where it is.

Holly Jo

The color is superb. Nice to know about the Classy though - I hear people talk about it, but never really about how it is to knit with.

Don't you wish you could wear cute sweaters like that and not wonder if you are trying to be too young?


It IS so weird to be seeing shorts being worned. I'm freezing in my office right now. I could use the bolero to warm an arm or my cheeks.


Olivia's bolero looks great! I can't believe how warm it's been lately. Get ready for it to get colder tomorrow...at least for a little bit :)


Sooo cute! I hope Allie's turns out as good as Olivia's. I'm still plugging away at it.

Now I'm off to buy some DiC Classy ...

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