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November 24, 2008



Happy birthday. my beautiful little niece! GOD I wish we could have come celebrated with her!


Now I'm all sniffy. Happy Birthday, Olivia!


Olivia is just adorable. A-dor-a-ble.

I love the ballarina pic.


Happy Birthday, Olivia!


"You could ask China to send one"! That's awesome! From the mouths of babes....


Happy 'birf'day, Olivia! I'm afraid of that baking face!! Eek!

Holly Jo

Happy Birthday, Olivia! Truly.Adorable. Just want to hug her, and I've never even met her. :) You guys really have great kids - maybe you should reconsider the other baby. :)


Love, love, love three year olds.
And remember, they can be something else. Terrible Twos got nothing on the threes.
Yeah, why don't people like you who have spectacular, adorable, well-behaved children have more, instead of families like mine?


She is absolutely beautiful. its funny, she looks a little like my little one, especially that grumpy face! I cant wait for my baby to get to two, with all the teething done and some good night sleep for a change. An i wish Olivia all the wonderful magical things she would wish for herself. :0)


Happy Birthday, dear sweet girl! She is such a little sunshine. K, you are such a nurturing, smart, loving mama; your kids are so fortunate!

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