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November 18, 2008



Haha you are great! And i love those mittens, purple, mmm my favorite color! Good luck with the Christmas knitting, i have been so slow with mine that now everyone will get a scarf for Christmas. Oh well. :0)


That colorway is just lovely. It must have been a pain to start and restart and restart, but little mittens go fast.

And Christmas gifts -- ugh! I've gotten away for years with not knitting any, and this year I've gotten two requests. I just don't do well with deadlines, at least not with my hobby that's supposed to be *fun*.


Steppin' it up a notch with buttons, eh? Or snowflakes whichever it may be. I am impressed. I am also impressed that you knit a test swatch. With three girls in one household of varying sizes, I proceed without caution and decide who will be the recipient of each project once it is completed. It's all very 'glass slipper' around here. If it fits, you get to marry the prince or better yet, you have a new pair of mittens! :)

Holly Jo

Man, I love that colorway. Not that you were asking, but I think a snowflake would look awesome. Are you good at that kind of thing? The buttons are cute too, but there is something about embrodiery (misspelled) on knitwear for kids.


I would totally do the snowflakes, but that's because I ALWAYS CHOOSE THE HARDER OPTION WHEN THERE IS A DEADLINE. I am an idiot. Maybe there are snowflake buttons?

At least you can knock out a few things on your queue before Christmas, like the dashing mitts or legwarmers maybe. And a hat or two. And that wrap looks like it's pretty big gauge. nevermind, you can do it ALL before Christmas! ;)


At least you're knitting. I spent last night making one (1) heart for a bookmark, and then ripped it all out this morning. I may never knit again. The color on those are lovely.

And snow? Great reason for knitting. Yeah, that's what I'll blame this on. No snow.

You're going to do great for Christmas.


I love those mittens. SOOO cute! I have a child who would still try to eat the buttons, so I'd go with a snowflake, but I don't know how to do that, so he'd get a plain mitten. HAHA. Can't wait to see what you decide! :)

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