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November 26, 2008



The mittens look great and I love the patterns on them too. It sounds as though your Thanksgiving celebration will be a warm and happy affair.


I love the mittens! And Happy Thanksgiving to you! Sounds like you will have a fun day. Liam and I have the same idea about how to cook a turkey...


I think the mittens are great...love the buttons. Can't remember if I was in favor of snowflakes or buttons before...I'm so fickle.

Happy Thanksgiving!


Embroidery is SO not my skill, so I was just in awe that you would even attempt a snowflake. I was always in favour of the buttons - 'cause I only do easy. :)

Olivia's dress is beautiful! And so is she!

And Liam's turkey - so awesome. And his recipe is classic - in fact, I'd probably say the same thing. I'll leave that to the cooks. We got a recipe book from Beah and her class once, and we laughed for two straight weeks. You gots to love those little kid recipe books.

Happy Thanksgiving!


Beautiful mittens, every time i see them i just like them more. And love the turkey drawing, specially the red breast, very superhero turkey.
Happy Thanksgiving!


Everyone deserves something that makes them dance. :) The mittens are great.

Hope you have a great thanksgiving. :) Don't let the kindergartners cook. :)


Lovely mittens, lovely mitten-wearer. I sort of followed Liam's recipe for stuffing. Thankfully, there were tasters there with unstuffy noses (sense a theme?) who helped me adjust and make it taste good.


Cute mittens! I'm impressed. The only time I tried embroidering mittens I gave up -- too floppy and hard to work with.

Have a lovely 2nd Thanksgiving. Spending it in Boulder sounds heavenly!

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