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December 04, 2008


Holly Jo

It is going to be a white Christmas. :) Love Olivia's fur around her hood.


Hi, im a bit late with Christmas music, but here is a link to one of my most favorite singers, he does a new Christmas album every year. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=5gKzXlqsOeE&feature=related
Hope you like it!
I loove snow, here we dont get proper snow just rain and cold and gray.It looks so nice having fun and the snow and my grandma always said: there is no bad weather, there is unapropriate clothing. xx


Isn't it amazing the things that make you think of your mother? Mine died last November and even though she was 83, it was a shock as she was fairly healthy until she wasn't.

But I swear I think of her more now than I did when she was alive ( and we spoke on the phone almost daily). I think of things in regard to her differently and so many things I wish I could ask her...

I totally get the snowsuit thing, even though my baby is 16! And I love the knitted mug from Starbucks and stupidly pointed it out to my daughter the other day ( she is an avid knitter; wheras I like to think about knitting, she actually does it and now I ask her what to do when I make a mistake!)

Off to Sue's for lunch today and perhaps to Starbucks to see if I can get my name on a wreath! Enjoy your cuties. I loved the pictures of Olivia a few posts back.



I just texted a friend (ex-coworker) to see if I can snag their wreath after Christmas. Thanks for the heads up. I haven't been in a Starbucks since they've decorated. Btw, you shouldn't have to pay for the wreath. We never charged customers before, there's no SKU for decorations. Anyway.

I love the picture of the snow. I'll send you a pic of what it looks like out here today.


There should be 'pee rules'. Before snowsuit. Before car rides. Before grocery shopping. Before movie starts. Before bed. Before hiking. Before meetings.

Love the suburb snack! I am sure they were a hit with the book club. We were lucky to get a tea in my book club. I might have continued going if there were proper refreshments.


Olivia looks like quite the little diva in her fur hood. LOVE IT.

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