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February 19, 2009


Holly Jo

I can not tell you wonderful I think it is that you let Liam wear those pants to school. So awesome. It just isn't that long in our lives that pirate pants make us feel cool. :)

Sewing. You are a brave woman. :)

Susan Brown

You continue to absolutely amaze me!!!Sue


Those pirate skulls are where it's at for little dudes.

My only pair of pj pants were constructed using a children's learn to sew book too. I don't know why I didn't make more - they were simple and fairly fast. Hmmm.

Shashay on.

Too Many Scarves

Woot for the sewing! Pajama pants to school? No worries. I once dated I guy that told me when he was back in elementary school he wore his clown costume to school and it wasn't Halloween. Needless to say he dressed himself that day because his parent's were already at work when he left for school. His mom was asked to leave work and pick him up from school and bring him back in something more appropriate.



100% positive memory for life. I know there is a lot of competition for great memories but don't you agree that this ranks right up there?
I'm inspired. New PJ's pants are always needed. I could do that too!!!

Susan Brown

Hey- I just about have the chasse perfected and it brightens my outlook. "Shashay...." Highly recommended. Hugs, S


Overachiever. ;)

Kelly P

Jake would LOVE those pj pants and I would LOVE to see Olivia's ballet dancing sometime! :)


Oooh, I want to try those pants now. Henry has a pair of fleece skull pj pants from old navy that he wears to school minimum once a week... for 2 years and he is bound to outgrow them eventually!

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