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February 13, 2009



Congrats! I love your blog. :-)

Oh, that Liam is a hoot.


I love how Liam has everything figured out. But to be on the safe side, hide the tools.

I'm honoured to be listed amongst such awesome blogs 'cause of course I checked them out! I am curious to see how long we can go back and forth nominating each other. It would certainly be amusing. Aw, let's face it, I get tired just thinking about thinking about it. I lost myself.

Oh, and I, too, lost out on the visions of pretty handmade Valentines. Beah's were a mix of old Polly Pockets and Disney Princesses. I swear to Todd, she pulled them out of her butt. I had never seen them before. Josh said she went to the basement and a minute later appeared with an old falling apart box of valentines. So weird.


I hit on the easiest Valentines one year and I am not ashamed to say we made them more than once. You cut heavy cardstock in a rectangle about 1.5 inches by say 6 inches. Whatever size looks good to your eye for ...you guessed it....bookmarks! Punch a hole in the top and pull through a piece of really narrow satin ribbon so it anchors itself. make sure its long enough that it will stay. Then use stamps to decorate....They can do it themselves.

Another one we made a couple of times was an airplane made with elastics, lifesavers and sticks of chewing gum. They have to be older though to be able to make them indedenpently. I got this idea from that kids/parenting magazine put out by Disney. I forget what it is called, but they have great Valentines every year.

Such fun. And I really like Liam's idea of a hole. Might have to get the saw out this weekend myself.



Oh, that conversation between you and Liam was TOO funny. I really did laugh out loud. I can't wait to check out the blogs you've nominated.


Katherine, would you mind checking the link for Too Many Scarves? It leads to One More Row.


Connor wouldn't make Valentine's either. :( I tried and lost the battle. But, I did make one for him. :) And, I LOVE Liam's idea for his room. I'm really glad Connor doesn't read your blog though. HAHA!



Just wow. Thanks for the kind words. I've been a bit out of it these days and seeing this really cheered me up. I am so flattered that I impress you. Baffled, but flattered :)

Holly Jo

Wonderful taste? Seriously have you fooled. :) Thank you for the nice words though.

It was painful just to write the names on the Valentines. Can't even imagine them being homemade. The boxes are FANTASTIC - flood of memories. :)

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