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May 03, 2009



Good luck with that! I'm trying to think of other possible scenarios where you might want to open your front door. It's only a week or so. You could even order pizza to celebrate the births, er, hatching. :)

Holly Jo

How funny! I wonder if you will be able to hear them chirping for food when they hatch. :)


Wow! I would love the chance to observe a nest close up and personal like that. My four-year-old would be so geeked if we had a tiny nest to watch.


Wow....how wonderful for all of you. Little miracles.


Sniff Sniff. We had the same thing but had a storm come through and knock the wreath off of our door. There were 5 eggs and we only saw two cracked so I'm hoping Momma got the others away somehow? I honestly don't know if a critter got to her either. Keep us posted!! I hope they hatch soon! :)


That's pretty wonderful. Your house must be a magically welcoming place.


We had the same thing happen one year! It took us a sander and a new coat of paint to get rid of the bird poop, though. Just warning you now!

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