Once in a while, Mark takes a random vacation day in the middle of the week and we all go do something fun. Yesterday was one of those days. We usually go to one of those places that are god-awful crowded on the weekends but manageable during the week, like the museum. The kids and I have been there a few times lately and Liam was dying to show Mark the dinosaurs. Plus it gave us all a chance to visit the Planetarium; even though the shows are only about twenty minutes long, I've never been too excited about taking two kids by myself, and without popcorn even.
But let me tell you, the Planetarium has changed since the last time I visited one, sometime in the mumblecougheightiesmumple. What I remember is something like Lite-Brite, but this show was pretty much a computer-generated IMAX* on a curved screen. Very dramatic; Liam was completely mesmerized. Olivia, not so much. She was pretty wiggly until we snuck some forbidden pretzels into her. You do what you gotta do, right? Anyway, Liam has now got the Planetarium on his "must see" list for museum visits. Good stuff.
Then, by five o'clock, we were all in our pajamas on the sofa. We had a popcorn dinner and watched a movie. Not a bad day, all 'round.
While we watched the movie, I seamed up Kite.
I thought it would be too big, but it's right on for Spring. I'm really happy with it. And the most fun: picking out ribbon! Joann's has little five-packs that matched the pink Cotton-Ease perfectly. I figured it couldn't hurt to have extra - I imagine the ribbon will take a beating. And Olivia loves it, thankfully. She actually jumped up and down when it was time to put it on this morning. Oh my sweet baby girl, do you think you will always do that for my hand knits? And once she had it on: "Mommy, it's umphy!"
* The movie did talk about the extinction of the dinosaurs, which greatly concerned Liam, and we talked about that for a while afterwards. "But some of the dinosaurs made it, right Mommy?" Poor kid; I hadn't meant to get into that quite yet. Like I said, I was picturing more of a Lite-Brite show.